Hello again, you’re looking well. After a (very) lengthy period of down time we’re back with a slightly new structure. What was intended to be a couple of months hibernation while I had a rethink about direction, ended up being most of 2007 but it’s been a worthwhile process nonetheless.
This project started a few years back with a load of ideas but no solid plans about how they should be executed. Having made the decision back then to allow it to grow as organically as possible it was amazing to watch things evolve and as more and more people offered their time and effort, I felt like we were building something really worthwhile. The problem with this approach is that as you progress you can’t help starting to see directions you want to guide things towards, potential routes that make sense in maintaining a stable future for what I’m trying to do here. That’s where we are now I hope, a slightly reconfigured approach that provides room for expansion without compromising my initial principles on how things should be done. Most importantly, a maintainable infrastructure is now in place (hopefully) meaning a lot more consistency in the delivery of content. This is not a business and nobody gets paid so it’s been a priority to make sure things remain manageable, as life has a habit of getting in the way.
So what’s different/new… well, firstly I’m no longer going to be delivering pdfs on a quarterly basis. Instead, there will be two issues a year which I hope to make more substantial. The big new addition is this blog which will be updated daily with new stuff to check. I’m hoping this will keep people coming back on a regular basis and mean we can begin to see what kind of community we have outside of those who’ve contributed content so far. Each blog entry has the capacity for you to leave comments and I’m hoping it’ll create a bit of dialogue so don’t be shy and leave a message if you find things of interest. Aside from the above, you’ll notice some other new bits and pieces as the site starts to ‘flesh out’ all of which will be introduced as and when they arrive.
There’s an RSS feed for the blog if you’d like to use it, you should see a subscription icon in your browsers address bar .
Remember, all the previous pdf issues remain available to download for free so if you missed any then now might be a good time to check them out. I’m aiming for a February release date on the next one so if you’ve sent stuff and not a lot has happened you may be hearing from me soon. Similarly, if you want to make a submission or discuss any ideas for content, get in touch. I’m ironing out a few kinks with the mailing list css but it still works fine if you want to subscribe, you email address will be safe I promise.
Onwards with the posting then…