Dorian Concept

Time for something music related again. I found this guy via a link to his Micro Korg workout in the youtube clip below…

If you were into that, you’re going to like his tracks too I reckon. Obvious points of reference being Prefuse 73, Flying Lotus and Dabrye’s 2001 debut ‘One/Three’. Check the following lifted from his myspace page and then we’ll get onto some releases…

“could let you all know bit more bout me i thought … i had some yamaha keyboard when i was about 7 – had this “snow flakes” sound on it .. and i regret not knowing what it sounds like anymore, but i was able to trip out on just hitting the C-3-Note .. also had this fisher-price tape recorder, with a built in microphone – got some pretty crazy stuff on tape because of that .. sometimes just these really long recordings of me and my family eating at the dinner-table .. i wish i could say i recorded that out of interest – but i pretty much just forgot pressing the stop button … also played piano when little .. stoped playing the piano when i got older .. started playing the super-nintendo though .. recently even sampled “claymates” again cause it got some nice arpeggio synth lines in it .. crazy game … youre a clay-ball that can transform into animals … anyways .. now i spend lotsa time wasting it .. and making music …”

First thing I picked up was his 4 track ‘Beat Tape’ on TrebleO for a very reasonable £1.99. While you’re there you should also listen to ‘Thank Capital Letters’ which is his track on the ‘Here Comes Treble’ compilation, an absolute killer and available as a single track if you’re not feeling the rest of the comp. If the sound clips aren’t enough to persuade you, TrebleO is giving away a short taster track too.

Next up is a new 12 inch on it’s way via Affine Records which you can listen to on their site.

If you’re after more free stuff, download his 2006 release ‘Seek When Is Her’ (EAR022) from Earstroke Records. I had problems with the .zip but you can grab each track individually if needs be.

Posted in Music.

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