Long time no see. Let’s skip the apologies this time and get on with what’s what shall we.
As you can see the site has had a little refit to make way for things to come. I’m tired of giving all my time to clients and never getting a chance to move forward with multilink. Precarious as the current climate may be, I’ve made the decision to cut loose and see what’s possible here once and for all. The next issue of the online/pdf magazine is currently in production with an intended release date within the next couple of months, expect the usual cocktail of people and things spanning the period since the last one. I’m also organising a small online shop to help some featured artists and friends get their stuff out there. The focus will hopefully be on limited items and stuff you can’t pick up everywhere else.
The most common request over the years has been for a print version of each issue so people have a physical copy of the artwork to flick through. In some ways this goes against the nature of the online publication but I do hear where you’re coming from. In response I’m looking into a series of small but perfectly formed artwork books that will be produced in limited numbers and available in the new shop too, possibly alongside some limited prints. More about that as it comes together.
It’s probably wise that I leave it there for now, there’s quite a bit more going on but it’s a little further down the line. Now more than ever I’m looking for people to help out, particularly writers with ideas for articles or essays on creative subjects. If you have something that you think might make sense in the shop, hit me up about that too. I’ll do my best to answer all the emails but please bear with me while I try to get back in gear.
Proper blog posts to resume in the next few days, thanks for coming back.
(photo above: Adam Appleby)